Trixie Mine
Trixie Gold Mine Rehabilitation and Restart
Provo Mining & Construction, Inc. was awarded the project management of the Trixie Gold Mine Rehabilitation and Restart and commenced work in August of 2019. Within 14 months, Provo, achieved the full rehabilitation and restart of the Trixie Gold Mine, producing over 100 tpd by December of 2020. The works accomplished included the surface set up and main shaft rehabilitation to the 625 level, the ventilation raise rehabilitation, installation of a new hoisting system, underground refurbishment and mining production. This allowed for the first ore sales in November 2020 from the Trixie Gold Mine. Provo continues to increase daily production at Trixie with a goal of attaining 300 tpd by the end of Q1 2021, through the rehabilitation of the 750 level, and further development and exploration along the ore zones within the mine. Provo achieved these milestones with all project KPI and critical indicates within or ahead of stated targets.